- Do you have a Russian spouse and no idea what your in-laws want from you?
- Do you have Russian roots and regreat that you’re loosing the language? or that your children can hardly communicate with their Russian grandmother?
- Does Russian culture – Chekhov, Nabokov, Prokofiev, Shostakovich… – resonate with you and you would like to understand it deeper?
- Do you like to explore anything new, extraordinary, standing out of the boring mainstream, like the Russian language is?
- Do you like learning languages as a hobby and feel like Russian is what your soul wants?
Whatever your reason to learn this language is -
Ekaterina is your ideal Russian teacher!
Ekaterina’s got a brilliant education
Click here to watch the video:
And now meet Alisha!
Alisha Chand married a Russian man.
When she started to take her classes with Ekaterina, she didn’t know a single word in Russian. She began to learn Russian with Ekaterina.
Alisha had a job, friends and hobbies. She could take only 3 Russian lessons per month.
Would you like to know her opinion? Click here:
Sounds impressive, doesn’t it?
And now do you want to listen to Alisha speaking Russian? Click here:
If you want to speak Russian too
If you appreciate your comfort
Do you still have doubts what teacher to choose? Meet Lauren!
Lauren Kostich was an English teacher. Once she started to learn Russian.
Lauren changed several Russian teachers but she felt like she had a big mess out of Russian grammar rules in her head.
After all, she began to take Russian lessons with Ekaterina. Only then she felt that she had found what she needed! Click here to hear it from Lauren:
If you’re not willing to waste your time and money
You can have your lesson online or face-to-face in Belgrade.
The price of regular classes after the trial lesson is $50 per 90 min session.
Pay for a month with up to 25 % DISCOUNT!
The special option for super busy people
is daily 15 min call by WhatsApp / Viber / Fb messanger to practice portion by portion the topics you’ve learned.
(visit the PRICE page for details).